1) OPU-NGU (shikisai ver.) (オープ●ング(色彩ver.))
2) Merrymaking ( メリメイキング )
3) Escapism (Shikisai ver.) ( エスカピズム(色彩ver) )
4) Ippatsu gyakuten renai Game (一発逆転恋愛ゲーム)
5) golden wing
6) Rinne no tsumi (輪廻の罪)
7) Gangu ( 玩具 )
8) Tekesuta kousen ( テケスタ光線 )
9) NYAPPY in the world
10) 1/2
11) Wagamama koushinkyouku (我侭行進曲)
12) Bonus track
Shikisai Moment, aaand I think that one bonus track, lol. Here you have it! Gosh I love old An Cafe (that doesn't mean I don't like them now, but old An Cafe is just...unique and classic). I really recommend this album. It has some good songs from when Bou was still around.
Au revoir...