1) Shakai (社会)
2) Nationalism ( ナショナリズム )
3) Keikoutou ( 蛍光灯 )
4) Kawareru (飼われる)
5) STREET FIGHTING MUCH (ストリートファイティングマッチ)
6) Kyoushi ( 教師 )
7) Sodai gomi ( 粗大ゴミ )
8) GO GO ∀NTI FEMINISM GO GO ( アンチフェミニズム )
9) Bakuretsu toshi ( 爆裂都市 )
10) Abura-sumashi ( 油すまし )
11) Kurage (くらげ)
12) Kyoukou (凶行)
13) Sperm ( スペルマ )
14) 655321gou (655321 号)
15) Ore wo aoru na ! ( 俺をあおるな! )
16) Yume no kuni ( ユメノクニ )
17) BAD BOY ∀
18) Pinocchio (ピノキオ)
19) Misemono koya no mahou tsukai ( 見世物小屋の魔法使い )
20) Kitanai yatsu ( 汚い奴 )
21) Hakanai hito yose Panda ( はかない人よせパンダ )
22) Go-sick13
24) Kudaranai hanashi ( くだらない話し )
25) Korosou yo! ( 殺そうよ! )
26) Buta ( 豚 )
27) Makeinu (負け犬)
Sexy cover amIright? Rofl, it's quite small so it can fit into the post but the big version is hilarious ( well, you know what I mean. ...). Okay, so I LOVE absolutely LOVEEEE this album by Anti. Dudes, it's great! I mean, this is a great example of punk music. The guitar is absolutely amazing and so is the drumming! Kenzi's voice is great too. So many people have been in this legendary band too. From Kisaki, to female vk-er KORO, and even erina from Dio - distraught overlord and everything in between! These guys are badass and they know it. Really recommend Bakuretsu toshi. That song is in my top 25 most listened to in my iPod "??? The Third". c:
Au revoir...
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